Monday, May 6, 2013

Extreme Clipper

Extreme Clipper

Version 3

Extreme Clipper helps you to take screenshots of windows in a flash. It's an ideal tool for one who is in always need of Screenshots and selective clippings. Made in AutoHotkey, it can capture screen clippings according to your needs!!

Just press (tap) the PrimaryKey (Default - PrintScreen) and then drag mouse while holding the SecondaryKey (Default - Left mouse button) to select the area you want to clip.
Release the SecondaryKey to proceed.
Then, by default you will be met by the Resizer window. Click on Done there to capture.

To capture the whole screen, tap the PrimaryKey and wait for approx. 1 second. You will be greeted by the Resizer window if enabled.
Click Done and you are Done.

It by default also opens automatically the screenshot directory after each screen capture.
The resizer which helps you to resize captured clips on the go, can be very useful if you need to limit the size of Screenshots.

Overall, it is a basic clipper to satisfy all your needs.Hope you like it!!

Changes in this version

  • Included Clipper.dll which greatly eliminates bugs and makes the software dependable.
  • Added Help file in the Extreme Clipper package for user's ease.

Download .exe

Download the Script
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