Thursday, September 19, 2013

Clipjump v8.8 released

Clipjump version 8.8 was released today.

Make sure you don't miss the updates .


  • "Can't Open Clipboard for writing" RANDOM BUG FIXED !
  • More minor bug fixes

Friday, September 6, 2013

Clipjump Screenshots

[ANIMATION] Clipjump Copy-Paste methodolgy

Clipjump Channel Organizer

Clipjump pasting an image.

Clipjump's Paste mode (used in pasting with Ctrl+V)

Clipjump clipboard history tool

Clipboard History Preview Window

Clipjump settings editor

Clipjump copying a File.

Clipjump Controller

Clipjump's Action Mode

Channel Selector for Clipjump

Clipjump is Unicode from v6.7

Clipjump Advanced Topics

Action Mode

Action Mode provides a clean user-friendly interface to execute almost all the other components of Clipjump. Activated with the default configurable shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A , it provides easy keys to run components of Clipjump.
Action Mode easy keys can be changed via the Advanced section of the Settings ini file.

The Fixate Option

The Fixate option is meant to hold a current Clipboard at a fixed position while positions of all other Clipboards change.
Thus, if a Clipboard is fixed at [Clip 1], it will stay there at Clip 1 even after numerous Copies and Cuts.
This can be useful if you want a Clipboard entry to be easily accessible every time you go in Paste Mode using Ctrl+V.
Please note that Clipjump remembers last pasted clip's position. So, if you have just pasted [Clip 5], Clipjump will start from [Clip 5] the next time you press Ctrl and then V [Paste Mode].
A workaround to go to [Clip 1] quickly can be going into [Cancel Mode] after pressing Ctrl+V and canceling and then again pressing Ctrl+V. Clipjump will now start from [Clip 1]

Using Fixate
Pressing SPACE while in [Paste Mode] toggles the Fixed status of a Clip.
If you reach the clip of your choice and want to fix it, press SPACE and you will notice a "[FIXED]" written after (Clip x of y).
This means the Clip is Fixed there. As said above , pressing SPACE again on the fixed clip will remove the FIX from it and the "[FIXED]" from the tip will disappear.

Note that the DeleteAll option will delete FIXED Clips too.

Changing Paste-Mode shortcut

To force Clipjump Paste Mode to be activated by some other key other than Ctrl+V, you can use the Settings editor of Clipjump.
Simply open the editor and look for the Paste Mode(Ctrl +..) value in the Shortcuts group. Change the default V in the box to some other key to make the Clipjump Paste Mode to be activated by the Ctrl combination of that key. Make the value blank to disable Clipjump Paste Mode.

Copying Paths to Clipjump

  • Pressing the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C will copy path(s) of selected files in all file managers including Windows Explorer.
  • Using Action Mode and then X will copy path of current opened folder in all file managers including Windows Explorer. You can also create an independent shortcut for this function in the Settings Editor.

Both of these shortcuts can be changed/disabled with the Settings Editor.

Copying File content to Clipjump

  • Pressing the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F will copy selected file's content to Clipjump.
  • This function works with all file managers including Windows Explorer.
  • This module will also work on Image files and exported Clipboard files (.cj).

One Time Stop

Many a times you have applications that use Clipboard's common transfer to extract data from various locations. These apps can be a headache when used with as consistent a tool as Clipjump.
The One Time Stop feature just solves this problem. Available with a configurable independent shortcut which is by default unassigned, you can call it once to make Clipjump automatically ignore the last data and linked content that is transferred to System Clipboard and so Clipjump. In this period, what really happens is that the Clipjump Clipboard Monitoring is deactivated , a feature which can be controlled via Clipjump Controller.
NOTE - When Clipboard Monitoring is disabled (as in One Time Stop) , Clipjump's tray icon will become dark.

WARNING - One Time Stop is deactivated when Paste Mode is accessed in the ignore period.

Selective Windows Clipboard

Many a times there are situations where you are not allowed to paste using the old shortcut Ctrl+V (like in Command Prompt).
There the Selective Windows Clipboard Option comes handy.

Cycle through the clipboards by Ctrl+V or C .When you reach the clip of your choice, press S while holding Ctrl.
You will see a Confirmation (System Clipboard has Clip x) in form of tip. That's it.
Now, the Right-Click > Paste Or any other option to Paste other than the old Ctrl + V will paste the Clip you had choose like it is currently stored in System Clipboard.

No-Formatting Mode

No formatting mode truncates formatting from Clipjump clips when they are pasted.
To access this mode, use the "Z" key as the toggle when in [PASTE MODE]
Press "Z" once while in [PASTE MODE] and you will see a [NO-FORMATTING] in the Tip.
This will mean all the clipboard data pasted from now onwards will have Formatting truncated.
To disable this mode, press "Z" again while in [PASTE MODE] and the [NO-FORMATTING] text will disappear.

Note that that the No-Formatting setting doesn't mean that clips copied will not have any formatting, this means that the formatting will be removed from them temporarily when they are pasted.

TIP - To make Clipjump start by default in NO-FORMATTING mode , see the option Start with No Formatting Enabled in the Settings editor.

Sound when copied

[v9.8.1+] Clipjump can be configured to make system beep when some data is copied to it. The setting can be found in the Settings editor as "Beep when copied.

To change the frequency of the beep played, navigate to the Advanced section of settings.ini and change the value of beepFrequency to your liking.

Export and share Clipboards

Clipjump supports exporting clipboards as files which can be stored as a record OR send to a friend.
The feature is accessible by tapping E in [PASTE MODE] and by the shortcut Ctrl+E in the Clipjump History Tool.
The Clip or Clipboard when exported will be saved in "My Documents" with a name export[x].cj where x is a variable.
The .cj file extension when used with Copy File Data directs Clipjump to load the file contents into itself.

Disable Clipjump

[v9.7+] You can disable Clipjump ( i.e. Clipboard Monitoring and Paste Mode ) from the Tray Menu as well as Action Mode. In Action Mode, this option is available with the easy key D
. To have more control over Clipjump, see Clipjump Controller .

Ignore(d) Windows Manager

Clipjump can be temporarily automatically suspended when a certain window is active with this feature. The feature requires the active window's class which can be very easily managed with the Ignore(d) Windows Manager located in the Tray Menu>Tools or in the Action Mode with easy key L.
Use the Add Class buttton in the manager to start a tooltip application that shows the class of the active window. To make a window active, simply make it foreground by left-clicking on it.
Use Delete Class button to delete a value.

Note that you will have to restart Clipjump once you have made changes to the Settings.ini for them to take effect.


Showing the Pasting tooltip - You can make Clipjump show a Pasting.. tip when you paste some data. To do so, change the value of Show_pasting_tip in the [Advanced] section of Settings.ini to 1.

Setting shortcut to copy to system Clipboard (bypassing Clipjump) - You can also create a unique shortcut in Clipjump to copy/cut data only to System Clipboard and not Clipjump. To create these shortcuts, open the [Advanced] section of Settings.ini and write down shortcut values for windows_copy_shortcut and windows_cut_shortcut. As you may have guessed, these shortcuts are disabled by default and by writing shortcut values for them in the ini you create them.
These shortcuts can be very useful when in need to copy sensitive or crap information of the Clipboard.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Clipjump Channels

Clipjump Channels

How to Use
Changing Channels in Paste Mode
Ideas on using
The "Pit" Channel
Tips for better productivity


Clipjump Channels are meant to allow users to use multiple channels of multiple Clipboards for sorting related Clipboard items together.
The feature is accessible from the default shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+C) as well as the Tray Menu.

Channels are different series or groups in which clips are stored.
You can create unlimited distinctly named channels to store Clipboard data and store related clips in them.
The default channel is 0 and is named as Default.

How to Use

As said above, use the default shortcut or the Tray Menu for Clipjump to open the choose Channel Window.

The Window should appear instantly and you will see the Channel Number 0 (Default) to be active by default.
Use the Up Down arrow keys and select a different channel. As 0 is the only channel used in a new installation of Clipjump, you will be only allowed to select the next Channel 1 . Select the new channel and give it a name. Now click Use Channel. You will see a tip containing a confirmation message that Channel [name] is now active where name is the name of your channel.
Now try copying some data to Clipboard an you will see the confirmation tip "Transferred to Clipjump" to be preceded by a {[name]} which will mean the item is now captured to Clipjump Channel 1.
Now press Ctrl+V to enter [PASTE MODE] . You will see a {[name]} also preceding the Clip number message (Clip x of y) . As you have already guessed , this means the Clip is contained in Channel [name] .

Now as you are using Channel 1, you can open the Channel window and use the next available Channel (Channel 2) . You can use as many as channels you want and give them any name you like.

Note that Clipjump uses Channel 0 as the default and the main channel and should be used for general purposes . Channel 0 (Default) is the only channel for which the Minimum Number of Active Clips setting is valid, all other channel have no minimum and thus store unlimited clips.
The setting Retain Clipboard data upon Application restart is invalid on channels other than 0 and so channels 1+ store clips until they are deleted by the user.

Changing Channels in Paste Mode

[v9.5+] You can change channels in the Paste Mode itself by using the Up-down keys . Use the Up arrow key to increment the channel by 1 and use the Down arrow key to decrement the channel by 1. Cycling channels via this method works like a cycle , so if you press the Up arrow key with the last Channel (say #2) active , you will be jumped back to the first channel (#0).

Ideas on using

One of the best uses of Clipjump Channels is using it as a top 10 repository for storing frequently used items. As said above , you can copy and thus save your signatures , blog links and avatar images in a channel and quickly access them when needed.

The "Pit" Channel

The Pit channel is a reserved channel NAME with automatic Incognito feature. When a channel is named as Pit, the channel does not transfer it's clips to the Clipjump History thus creating a false INCOGNITO MODE situation. Note that when a channel named Pit is active, the INCOGNITO mode is physically not turned ON and so you don't see the Clipjump's tray icon being grayed out.
The "Pit" channel can be quickly used to capture junk or confidential data to Clipjump and then delete them all at once with the Delete ALL mode (Ctrl + V + X + X + X)


PitSwap [v9.5+] allows you to jump to an existing Pit channel from any other active channel with the ease of a hotkey. Activated with the default hotkey Ctrl+Shift+Z , it is a sort of 'channel toggler'. When pressing PitSwap shortcut when a channel such as Default(#0) is active , the channel will be automatically changed to a found Pit named channel. When pressing the shortcut , the toggle will work in reverse changing the active channel back to the one you were using (here 'Default') . Note that the PitSwap toggle is deactivated silently when you first use PitSwap and then eventually change the Pit channel with the Channel Selector GUI OR by the Up-down keys in the Paste Mode.

Tips for better productivity

  • You can use the up-down arrow keys rather than Mouse clicks for increasing/decreasing Channel numbers.
  • When in the default channel selector mode, use Alt+U as a shortcut for the Use Channel button.
  • I recommend using the Minimal GUI for the channel Selector. This feature can be accessed from the Channels section of the Settings Tool. When using the minimal GUI , you will have to use Up-Down arrow keys to change channels and Enter key to activate a channel .

    See Clipjump Advanced Topics

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Clipjump Controller

Clipjump Controller v0.4

Control Clipjump completely

Clipjump Controller is a small-standalone application to control Clipjump.
It can control all aspects of Clipjump, even Clipjump's Clipboard Monitoring. The program is meant for Clipjump 7.0 or above.

There are 2 modes in which the app can be used --
  • Command-line Mode
    You can call ClipjumpControl.exe as clipjumpcontrol.exe <\switch> to perform desired action.
  • GUI Mode
    You can simply run ClipjumpControl.exe to access the GUI. There you will get the whole set of options to control Clipjump.

The Options

There are 3 ways to control Clipjump --
  1. Selective Disable
    As the title is, this will disable only the selected compenents of Clipjump and leave all other un-touched.
    When you run ClipjumpControl.exe , you will see a GUI which will display all the components that can be disabled along with their codes.
    To disable multiple components through the GUI , select them and click OK . The Status Bar will display their summed code . To access this mode from the commandline, sum up the required codes and send it as the primary switch .
    Code - clipjumpcontrol.exe sum where 'sum' is the summed up code.

    Codes for disabling various functions are given below -
        Clipboard Monitoring - 2
        Paste Mode - 4    
        Copy file path - 8
        Copy folder path - 16
        Copy file data - 32
        Clipbord History Shortcut - 64
        Select Channel - 128
        One Time Stop shortcut - 256

  2. Total Disable
    This will disable all functionalities of Clipjump and it's code (1048576) will be constant for future versions of Clipjump
    It's switch is 1048576
    Code - clipjumpcontrol.exe 1048576

  3. Enable
    This will enable Clipjump with all the components.
    It's code is 1
    Switch = 1
    Code - clipjumpcontrol.exe 1


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Clipjump v6.4 released

Clipjump v6.4


  • A True Clipboard Manager - Captures everything
  • Supports preview of Clipboard stored images such as Printscreen captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump.It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • Clipjump History Tool - View, search and restore old clipboard items.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective cata to System clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on disk space).
  • Very fast Clipboard switching.
  • Copy current folder path to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+X)
  • Copy selected files path(s) to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+C)
  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or Printscreen captures.
  • Disable Clipboard Monitoring when needed (Requires Autohotkey knowledge)
  • Easily Configurable - You can change settings via a GUI.
  • Free, Portable, Open Source

Changes in this version

  • History image is now transferred directly to clipboard
  • Fixed minor bugs with MS - Excel
  • Better (full-in-feature) History Tool now
  • Better preview Window
  • Professional help file included replacing Readme.txt
  • Changed default Image quality to 90, allows high-quality but low in size Clipjump History images.

Got to Clipjump's Official Page

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sublime 4 Autohotkey Tutorial

Sublime 4 AutoHotkey Installation Guide and Tips

Su4AHK is now discontinued. Use Sublime Text AutoHotkey package instead.


  • Download the package from the site or Github.
  • Paste the contents of the package such that sublime_text.exe and Sublime 4 Autohotkey.exe lie in same folder
  • Open Avis_Sublime4Autohotkey directory and look for autohotkey.exe and autohotkey.chm -replace with original files.
    Copy your version of AutoHotkey.exe and AutoHotkey.chm to the directory. You may delete -replace with original files if you wish. Replace them with the Ahk version of your choice
  • Run Sublime 4 Autohotkey.exe
    This is the main exe and it will run the Su4Ahk patch.
  • Check the System tray for Su4ahk Icon. Right click to see options.


  • To change Context Help(F1), Calltips(F9) , Ctrl+N and GoTo(F7) shortcut keys, click on the option "Open Me for editing" in the Tray Menu.

  • You can also add a Right-Click (Open With) option to use Sublime 4 Autohotkey.exe to open .ahk files.

  • You can add more files to helpers/Addons directory and they will be automatically loaded in the launcher.
    Note that the additions are limited only to files inside Addons folder. If there is something that you can't copy in your Addons folder, use it's shortcut.
  • You can also customize launcher. For details on how to do this , see the LaunchQ tutorial.

  • As the Autohotkey Syntax package included is nothing but my Autohotkey repo, you can also keep it updated via Package Control.
    Note that I wont be releasing new versions of Su4Ahk for just (small) Syntax updates. You can always update that part of this package using Package control. See here on how to update (just) Syntax files.
  • Make sure you (the user) and the app has write rights in the directory in which it is kept. Avoid placing the Sublime Text package in Desktop and Windows Folder.


  • Aslike Installing, download the package from Github and then replace with the original files.

Default Shortcuts

  • GoTo - F7
  • Calltips - F9
  • Context Keyword Help - F1
  • New script - Ctrl+N
  • Addons Launcher (Msgbox Creator) - Alt+A

Sublime 4 Autohotkey

Sublime 4 Autohotkey (discontinued)


Sublime 4 Autohotkey is nothing but a patch to accelerate Autohotkey development using Sublime Text.

The Features

  • Syntax-Highting powered by my Autohotkey package.
  • Better Auto-complete
  • Context-Senstive Help - Press F1 and you see the help page of the requested command/function
  • AutoHotkey dedicated color scheme.
  • Launch Msgbox Creator, Windows Spy and everything by an Integrated Launcher (A mod of LaunchQ).
    This launcher can be configured to suit all your needs as like LaunchQ.
  • This Launcher is backed by a Auto-Sync feature that adds every tool/helper script that you add to avis_sublime4autohotkey\helpers\addons directory to it.
    More details on this can be seen in the guide
  • GoTo - Goto [F7] labels, functions, hotkeys and hotstrings in the current editing file.
  • Create New Ahk Script on the fly with the old familiar shortcut - Ctrl+N
  • Want to use Sublime 4 Autohotkey to run .ahk files. You can do that.
    You can use the Open With Dialog to make Sublime 4 Autohotkey.exe the default Autohotkey editor.
  • Calltips - Hit F9 (Default) to see Syntax of the underCaret command.
  • Portable - You can confidentally move your ST package with the Su4Ahk patch installed.
  • Works with all versions of ST

Changes in this version (2.6)

  • Better GoTo with search
  • Fixed bug with Context-Sensitive F1 help not working correctly if a previous windows was active

Notes on Usage

  • To install, paste the whole Su4Ahk package such that sublime_text.exe and Sublime 4 Autohotkey.exe lie in same folder.
  • Make sure you see the Tray Menu after running Sublime 4 Autohotkey.exe
  • Alt+A is the default shortcut for the Launcher. It can be changed a/c need.

Default Shortcuts

  • GoTo - F7
  • Calltips - F9
  • Context Keyword Help - F1
  • New script - Ctrl+N
  • Addons Launcher (Msgbox Creator) - Alt+A

See Guide(Dont Miss)
Download the Sublime 4 AutoHotkey Package

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Clipjump v5.0 Released


  • A True Clipboard Manager - Captures Everything
  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump.It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • Clipjump History Tool - View, search and restore old clipboard items.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE Option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective Data to Windows Clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Very fast Clipboard switching.
  • Copy Current Folder path to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+X)
  • Copy selected files path(s) to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+C)
  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Easily Configurable - You can change settings via a GUI.
  • Free, Portable, Open Source

Changes in this version

  • Added a GUI for editing settings.
  • Added a Clipboard history tool with search to quickly locate old clipboard habitants.
  • Fixed a bug when copying/moving inside zipped folders open in Explorer
  • Enhanced running web links from Clipjump
  • Better About Window now
  • Now "[more]" symbolises more text in current clipboard
  • Fixed a bug where "---> more" didnt appear when moving backwards (Ctrl + C)
  • Now it's possible to suspend Clipjump's clipboard monitoring via Autohotkey script. (See here)


Friday, May 31, 2013

LaunchQ v2.5 Released

LaunchQ is a fast, innovative, straight-forward Application Launcher aimed at making launching desired apps, folders, files and websites super fast and super easy.

Get it here

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Maths() Online Reference

Maths() Reference

Ahk Topic
More Notes



  • Solves a Mathematical expression in a string
  • Solve() supports infinetly large numbers and its +-/* is powered by the respective custom functions (Evaluate, Multiply, Divide).
  • Solve() supports functions() and Nesting via [] brackets ( not () )
  • Please use function Pow(number, power) in place of ** in equations

Msgbox,% Solve("1 + 3.5 - [2 * 3] + Antilog(0.3010, ""e"")")
In the above example notice the use of [...] brackets in [2 * 3] . Make sure you use them.
Also, notice the use of double quotes ("") in Antilog(0.3010, ""e"") to escape them.

var = sqrt(4) - [nthroot(17248,3) * antilog(0.3010)] * [892839.2382389 - 89238239.923]
msgbox,% Solve(var)
In the above example, var has the equation.


  • Adds two infinetly large numbers . Supports decimal and negatives.
  • Please feed numbers into the function as strings (See below)
number1 = 3292389200000000000382398232309.239230923092302390239230
number2 = 239209239230290239239049349309403434.34930909090
Msgbox,% Evaluate(number1 ,number2)
Msgbox,% Evaluate(number1, "-" . number2)
In the above example, notice the use of = in place of :=
To minus two numbers , look at the 2nd Msgbox "-" . number2

Multiply() and Divide()

  • Feed large numbers as Strings
  • Better recommended to keep the length param of Divide as 10 which is default. If you want more preciseness you can move it to anything.
  • Divide() has smartround which means something like 0.000000003433423 with a length 3 will not give 0.000 but 0.00000000343

MsgBox,% Divide("434343455677690909087534208967834434444.5656", "8989998989898909090909009909090909090908656454520", 10)
msgbox,% Divide("22","7",100)  ;<--- 100 Decimal places
MsgBox,% Multiply("111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111","55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.555")


  • Gives roots of a polynomial functions
  • Can be slow and buggy at times
  • Can be inaccurate

msgbox,% Roots("1,1,1,-3")      ;xcube + xsq + x - 3 = 0
msgbox,% roots("1,1,1,1,-10")   ;x4 +xcube + xsq + x - 10 = 0

UniquePMT(series, Index)

  • Gives unique Permuation for a given Index where Index < No of Permutations
  • Make Index = All to list down all possible permutations

msgbox,% UniquePMT("avi,annat,koiaur,aurkoi", "All")  ;no of permutation =  24
msgbox,% UniquePMT("abd", 3)    ;no of permutation = 6

More Notes

  • Greater() , fact() , Power() and Prefect() support larger than life numbers . So, feed numbers as strings in them.
  • Roots() may have problems . Currently , it seems Roots() has problems with higher deegree polynomials (>3) with larger coffecients (>10). Please dont try to test equations in Roots(). More often than not, it will not be processed.
  • FloorG() and ModG() are just like Floor() and Mod() but for larger numbers
  • And dont forget to feed numbers as strings . DONT

More Examples

Thursday, May 16, 2013

LaunchQ Guide

LaunchQ Guide

Avi Aryan

This guide contains short know-hows of the various features in LaunchQ . It is highly recommended to spend 2 minutes here before starting using the application.
Easy Add
Multi Launch
Easy Remove
Launching Websites 
Changing default hotkey and window size
Changing Colors and Transparency

Auto Scrolling

LaunchQ has an auto-scroll system, no need to drag the vertical scroll bar.
To scroll down, simply move the mouse pointer below the LaunchQ GUI and the auto-scroll will start . Note that the speed of auto-scroll is directly proportional to distance from LaunchQ's lower end. The more you move your pointer down, the faster LaunchQ scrolls down .
To scroll up, do the vice versa . Move mouse pointer above the LaunchQ GUI.
You can also use Mouse wheel to scroll.

Easy Add

Adding your apps and shortcuts to LaunchQ is super easy .
To add custom, just drag the file the folder or the shortcut either on Desktop or windows explorer or the Start Menu* to the LaunchQ GUI.
You will get a prompt to choose its display name on LaunchQ. Choose a Name and you're done .
Optionally, multiple items can be launched via a sinlge item on LaunchQ . See details below.

Multi Launch

You can launch multiple items via a single shortcut in LaunchQ . There are basically two ways to accomplish this --
  • You can drag multiple items into the LaunchQ window [unlike dragging a single item, Easy Add] . To drag multiple items hold Ctrl and select different items. Then drag them collectively to the LaunchQ GUI.
  • If for some reason, you are not able to use the above multi-select method to add different items, you can also add items one be one but that by dragging them onto the Shortcut Name window. The Shortcut Name window is the one which greets you when you drag an item to the LaunchQ GUI.
    Using this method is recommended as it allows adding items one by one and is independent of many factors.(such as multiple windows)

Easy Remove

Deleting items from LaunchQ is very easy. Just hold and drag the item out of the LaunchQ Window.

Launching Websites

LaunchQ can also launch Web Url's.
To add your URL , just click on the yellow Add Web-Site button in the lowermost part of LaunchQ GUI.
Write the URL to launch and click OK. Choose its name in the Shortcut Name window and click Proceed.
Your Web Link is added to LaunchQ.

Changing default hotkey and Window size

To change the default Shift+Z hotkey, either click on the blue LaunchQ in the LaunchQ GUI or the LaunchQ option in the right-click tray menu.
A window should appear.
Press your new key combination. It will be automatically saved. From now, your new hotkey will trigger the LaunchQ GUI.

Window Size is a relative parameter and coressponds to the default LaunchQ 350x500 size . So doing it to 200 will change the window size to 700x1000 .
Note that Window Size changes take effect after closing the Settings window.

Changing Colors and Transparency

Both Text Color and Background color can be changed a/c needs in LaunchQ. Click on Click to Select and select your preference.
Transparency can be changed via Slider. More right the slider, more the opaqueness and vice versa.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Fast, Light All-in-one Launcher

version 2.5

LaunchQ is a fast, innovative, straight-forward Application Launcher aimed at making launching desired apps, folders, files and websites super fast and super easy.


  • Portable, free, light, open-source, runs in system tray and consumes minimal memory and mind.
  • One shortcut (Shift + Z) does it all . Press it to show/hide LaunchQ GUI. This shortcut is customizable.
  • Supports unlimited number of launch items.
  • Window Size, Background color, Text color and transparency can be changed a/c needs.
  • Auto-Scrolling - Move your mouse pointer above the LaunchQ window to scroll up, below the window to scroll down OR
    use Mouse wheel for scrolling.
  • Easy Add - Wanna add a file or folder to LaunchQ, drag it into the GUI, choose a name and you're done .
  • Easy Remove - Deleting a shortcut is even more easier. Hold a shortcut and drag it out of the the LaunchQ window .
  • Multi-Launch - Launch multiple shortcuts with a single-click. See Guide to know more.
  • Launch Web-sites too, just click on the bottom Add Web-Site button in the GUI and paste the link.
  • Shortcuts are auto-named intelligently.
  • It can start at system start up, check for updates and get path links from temporary (Desktop) shortcuts.

More help on the above features can be seen in the guide (Illustrated).
Please make sure to go through them.


  • Added option to change Background Color and Text color
  • Scrolling via Mouse wheel now supported
  • Added option to change Transparency

Online Guide

See Source

More Screens

Monday, May 6, 2013

Extreme Clipper

Extreme Clipper

Version 3

Extreme Clipper helps you to take screenshots of windows in a flash. It's an ideal tool for one who is in always need of Screenshots and selective clippings. Made in AutoHotkey, it can capture screen clippings according to your needs!!

Just press (tap) the PrimaryKey (Default - PrintScreen) and then drag mouse while holding the SecondaryKey (Default - Left mouse button) to select the area you want to clip.
Release the SecondaryKey to proceed.
Then, by default you will be met by the Resizer window. Click on Done there to capture.

To capture the whole screen, tap the PrimaryKey and wait for approx. 1 second. You will be greeted by the Resizer window if enabled.
Click Done and you are Done.

It by default also opens automatically the screenshot directory after each screen capture.
The resizer which helps you to resize captured clips on the go, can be very useful if you need to limit the size of Screenshots.

Overall, it is a basic clipper to satisfy all your needs.Hope you like it!!

Changes in this version

  • Included Clipper.dll which greatly eliminates bugs and makes the software dependable.
  • Added Help file in the Extreme Clipper package for user's ease.

Download .exe

Download the Script
See more of my Scripts and Creations.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Extreme Clipper v2

Extreme Clipper

Version 2

See Latest Version 3

Extreme Clipper helps you to take screenshots of windows in a flash. It's an ideal tool for one who is in always need of Screenshots and selective clippings. Made in AutoHotkey, it can capture screen clippings according to your needs!!

Just press (tap) the PrimaryKey (Default - PrintScreen) and then drag mouse while holding the SecondaryKey (Default - Left mouse button) to select the area you want to clip.
Release the SecondaryKey to proceed.
Then, by default you will be met by the Resizer window. Click on Done there to capture.

To capture the whole screen, tap the PrimaryKey and wait for approx. 1 second. You will be greeted by the Resizer window if enabled.
Click Done and you are Done.

It by default also opens automatically the screenshot directory after each screen capture.
The resizer which helps you to resize captured clips on the go, can be very useful if you need to limit the size of Screenshots.

When in game , better turn Run after finish and resize clip feature off.( See Settings.ini for the exe version )
Overall, it is a basic clipper to satisfy all your needs.Hope you like it!!

Exe Users, please see the Settings.ini file which is created in the directory of the program when the program runs for the first time. It contains all the Extreme Clipper settings which you can modify according to your needs.

Download .exe

Download the Script
See more of my Scripts and Creations.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hotkey Parse - HParse()


Convert user shortcuts to autohotkey hotkeys reliably, securely, fastly.

AHK Topic Link


  • The function handles spelling errors from users and tries to return the correct ahk hotkey for the corresponding shortcut as far as possible.
  • It can differentiate between Autohotkey hotkey (^!x) and shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+x) and returns the correct value always.
  • It can manage totally invalid user shortcuts sent to it simply by eliminating the invalid part of the shortcut
  • You can enable/disable [RemoveInvaild] param if you want. Enabling (default) manages invalid parts by removing them, Disabling makes the return value blank when an invalid part in shortcut is occured. This blank return can be checked and used further to perform required measures.
  • If possible the returned hotkey is tried to be kept in the standard without "ampersand" (&) format. If not possible it is returned in the correct (&) format. See the EXAMPLES below for more details.
  • Standard User Shortcuts are by default meant to be separated by either the plus '+' or the dash '-' . eg -- Control + Alt + S , Control - S will work.
  • User shortcut(s) such as (X + Control) will be converted to (^x) and not (x^) via the [ManageOrder] Param which is enabled by default
  • Shortcuts endings in modifiers are auto-detected and returned accordingly. eg -> (Control + Alt) gives ^Alt and not ^!
  • No RegEx, so faster .
  • Keys are arranged a/c popularity for maximum speed of the function.
  • Supports all Autohotkey keys including Joystick Keys.




Key names in correspondence with the standard Autohotkey key list should be feeded inside the fucntion.
An example - A user should use the word 'LeftMouseButton' instead of 'LeftClick'.

-->See at Github
Download Directly

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sublime Text Autocomplete Adder

Sublime Text Autocomplete Adder

This tool will help you to add completions in a *.sublime-autocompletions file.


Tested with Sublime-Text 2
Absolutely No guaranty
Make sure to create a backup before going
Don't worry about Duplicates, they will not be added again.
Write your completes in listed form, one auto-complete in a line.
You can also drag files which has list of auto-completes to get its contents in the huge Edit box.


See Also Clipjump - The Magical Multiple Cliboard Manager

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Clipjump v4.5


A Magical Clipboard Manager

version 4.5


A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.
It's fast , it's easy, it's magic.


  • A True ClipBoard Manager - Captures Everything
  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump. It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE Option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective Data to Windows Clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Very fast Clipboard Switching.
  • Copy Current Folder path to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+X)
  • Copy selected files path(s) to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+C)
  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini
  • Portable - Carry where you go

Changes in this version

  • Bugs with certain applications such as HtmlPad,Internet Explorer Fixed and the algorithm has been globalised to include other apps which have the same tendency.
  • Now, Clipjump should not store duplicate clipboard entries when the user sends them one after another.
  • Lower Overall Memory Consumption

Friday, April 19, 2013

GitHub for Windows Debug Error Fix

Are you facing the Debug Error in GitHub for Windows.
And dont know hot to mend that with Powershell or cmd.
Then , this might help you.

Also See Clipjump - The Magical Clipboard Manager

Clipjump v4.3 Released


A Magical Clipboard Manager

version 4.3


A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.


  • A True ClipBoard Manager - Captures Everything
  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump. It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE Option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective Data to Windows Clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Very fast Clipboard Switching.

  • Copy Current Folder path to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+X)
  • Copy selected files path(s) to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+C)

  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini
  • Portable - Carry where you go

Changes in this version

  • Fixed Bugs that were mainly due to negligence(and bad luck too) in version 4.0
  • A Minor Selective Windows Clipboard Bug fixed
  • Sorry, guys who downloaded the faulty version 4.0

Clipjump v4.0 Released


  • A True ClipBoard Manager - Captures Everything
  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump. It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE Option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective Data to Windows Clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Very fast Clipboard Switching.

  • Copy Current Folder path to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+X)
  • Copy selected files path(s) to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+C)

  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini
  • Portable - Carry where you go

Changes in this version

  • Eliminated Duplicate Entries Bug Chances
  • Enhanced Error and Bug Handling while pasting
  • Added Help Files and custom icon

Go to ClipJump

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Clipjump v3.0 Released


A Magical Clipboard Manager

version 3.0

A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.


  • A True ClipBoard Manager - Captures Everything
  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump. It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE Option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective Data to Windows Clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Very fast Clipboard Switching.

  • Copy Current Folder path to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+X)
  • Copy selected files path(s) to Clipboard (Ctrl+Alt+C)

  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini
  • Portable - Carry where you go

Changes in this version

  • Added Copy File Path Option
  • Added Copy Folder Path Option
  • Added option to automatically remove ending linefeeds.
  • Fixed a MS-Excel Super-Bug.
  • Now Clipjump rememembers your last Clipboard visit and reopens it when you hit Ctrl + V.

See Clipjump

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Clipjump v2.2 Released


A Magical Clipboard Manager

version 2.2

A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.


  • A True ClipBoard Manager - Captures Everything
  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump. It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE Option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective Data to Windows Clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Very fast Clipboard Switching.
  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini
  • Portable - Carry where you go

See Clipjump

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Clipjump v2.0 released


A Mega Clipboard Manager

version 2.0

A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.


  • A True ClipBoard Manager - Captures Everything
  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures.
  • Data-Types are meaningless for Clipjump. It just stores everything.
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Not Mandatory to perform Copy and Cut operations using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X. Even an application's Copy and Cut will be transferred to Clipjump.
  • FIX Clipboards at certain positions via FIXATE Option.(See FIXATE - A Coders Delight)
  • Add selective Data to Windows Clipboard if needed.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Very fast Clipboard Switching.
  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini
  • Portable - Carry where you go

Whats New

  • Clipjump is now Open-Source.
  • Added the Great FIXATE Option, a super productivity booster for the Coding Community.
  • Added Delete Clip Option - Delete selected Clipboards on the fly.
  • Added Selective Windows Clipboard Option.
  • [Older Version Users] Now one X to Cancel, two X to Delete and three to DeleteAll.
  • Now, even more lighter on disk.

See Clipjump

See more of my Scripts

Clipjump Online Guide

Clipjump Online Guide

A Magical Clipboard Manager

Find the new guide at


Basic Usage

  • After Downloading Clipjump, unzip it and run Clipjump.exe .
    It's a portable application so no installation is needed.
  • When you run the exe, Clipjump's icon will be seen in SystemTray.

  • Try copying either by Ctrl+C or by Right Click -> Copy or Shift+PrintScreen
  • You will notice a Tip, [Transferred to Clipjump] when you copy something.This will mean that the copy has been succeeded.

  • Now, press Ctrl+V(paste action), you will see a tip containing the file or text to be copied.[This is Paste Mode]. If an Image has been copied, a Window showing your image will pop-up.
    You will have to release Ctrl to perform actions. (You will know later)
    Here, Release Ctrl to paste.

  • To move through Multiple Clipboards, press V again while holding Ctrl. [while in Paste Mode]
    Release Ctrl to Paste.Tap C while holding Ctrl to move backwards.
  • To Cancel Copy, press X while in Paste mode [Ctrl Pressed].
    The tip should change to a Cancel Message. This is [Cancel Mode]
    Release Ctrl to confirm.

  • To Delete Current Clipboard, press X twice in Paste Mode or once in Cancel Mode. The tip should now change to a Delete Message. This is [Delete Mode]
    Release Ctrl to confirm.

    To Delete all Clips, press X thrice in Paste Mode OR twice in Cancel Mode OR once in Delete Mode. The tip should change to a Delete All message.This is [Delete All Mode]

    Release Ctrl and then confirm the confirmation tip with Y to proceed.


  • As you can see, Releasing Ctrl is the basis of performing actions in Clipjump.
  • Also, note that Cancel Mode,Delete Mode and Delete All Mode are inter-related. The program cycles through these modes when you press X while holding Ctrl.
    So, pressing X while holding Ctrl in Delete All Mode will switch back to Cancel Mode.

Settings Editor

This is the Clipjump settings editor. You can choose your Clipjump preferences here.
To get help on any setting, keep the mouse static for a while after moving the mouse pointer over it .
After changing settings, hit Apply and then OK.
Hit Cancel to cancel any changes you made and close the window.

TIP - To disable a shortcut , set it to None . You can do this by focusing cursor in the Shortcut box and then tapping Backspace once.

Clipjump History Tool

Clipjump's Clipboard History tool can be a real life saver when it's time comes.
This tool stores record of all the clipboard items transfered to Clipjump in the last "x" days. The "x" days can be selected a/c your preference from the settings editor.
To open the Clipboard History tool , you can also use the keyboard shortcut - Win+C other than the Tray Menu shortcut.
To load full-size clip from the list provided by History tool, double-click on the item.
To delete a history item , Right-click on it and select "Delete".

Tip - To view only Clipboard images in the History list, you can filter the listing something like [Double-click to view image]

Partial Searching
When the checkbox 'Partial' is checked , the History Tool follows a partial checking pattern. Now you will be able to filter the Histroy List with Space delimited terms and only those clips will be shown which have all those space delimited terms in them.

The Preview Window
The History Preview Window previews the requested history clip. It supports preview of all types of clips from text to images. When previewing text , you have the option to search for terms (Ctrl+F) and the searching algorithm inhibits the 'Partial Searching' setting from the History Tool.
When previewing images , you can enlarge the image by resizing the preview windows . Maximize it to see the maximum possible size of the image preview.

Press Space after choosing your desired Clipboard item in the history Gui to paste it directly to the underlying window.
This method necessarily closes the History GUI.
TIP - To force Insta-Paste to write to Clipboard (Clipjump) when it is used, change instapaste_write_clipboard to 1 in the [Advanced] section of Settings.ini file.

Incognito Mode
When in Incognito mode, the Clipboard history will not be captured by Clipjump and the Clipjump icon in the System tray will fade (become greyyish).
This feature can be very useful for maintaining Privacy.
To ever enable Incognito mode, use the Tray menu.

Disabling the History tool - Change the Number of days to keep items in History setting to 0 to permanently disable History tool. This will make Clipjump automatically start with the Incognito Mode ON as a symbol to show that History is not captured.
Please note that disabling the history tool in the way as said above will not delete old history items unlike to the fact that if you change the Number of days to keep items in History from 50 to 2, the history older than 2 days will be deleted by Clipjump.

Changing History Tool shortcut - The History tool shortcut (Win + C) can be changed or disabled via the Clipjump Settings (Setting.ini) file. Just open the file and search for the key history_K in section [Advanced].
By default, you will see the history_K key with the value Win + C. Empty this value to disable shortcut for History Tool or change this value to a preferred shortcut to change the History tool shortcut.
Example values of history_K are -

The 3rd item is left blank to demonstrate the empty (NULL) value which disables the shortcut.

Resetting Clipjump

[v9.5+] To reset Clipjump to its default settings and remove all the data created by Clipjump on your computer , use this option . The option can be found in the About window for Clipjump. The data that will be removed includes history items, paste mode clips, extracted icons and the settings file.

Shortcut List

Ctrl Held/Pressed
V - Activate PASTE-MODE and move forward through Multiple Clipboards (from 1 to 2 , 2 to 3)
C - Move backwards through Multiple Clipboards (from 3 to 2 , 2 to 1)
S - Add current Clip to Windows Clipboard [Selective Windows Clipboard Option]
X - Toggle between, Cancel,Delete,Delete All MODE
Space - Fix/un-fix a clipboard at its position.
Z - Toggle Formatting for Clips
E - Export current Clipboard

Ctrl+Shift+A - Action Mode
Win+C - Open Clipjump Clipboard History Tool
Ctrl+Shift+C - Open Clipjump Channel Selector
Ctrl+Alt+C - Copy File Path
Ctrl+Alt+F - Copy file content
Ctrl+Shift+Z - PitSwap

Now see Advanced topics
Learn about Clipjump Channels

Thursday, March 21, 2013

ClipJump v1.0 Released


A Clipboard Management Utility

version 1.0

A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.


  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures. (See Demo - Requires Flash)
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini


  • Fixed Sudden Crash Issue.
  • Even Better Clipboard Image preview now.
  • Removed Gflax.dll

See ClipJump
See more of my Scripts

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ClipJump v0.5


A Clipboard Management Utility

version 0.5 Released

A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.


  • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures. (See Demo - Requires Flash)
  • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
  • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
  • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
  • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini


  • Fixed a Reliabilty Issue - Thanks Ken
  • Better Clipboard Image preview now.
  • Lower Menory Usage Now.

  • Download ClipJump
    See more of my Scripts

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    ClipJump v0.1


    A Clipboard Management Utility

    version 0.1

    A Multiple-ClipBoard management utility for Windows.
    Allows you to simultaneously use multiple clipboards like never before. Everything that is transfered to your clipboard will get automatically get transfered to Multiple-Clipboards.


    • Supports Preview of Clipboard stored images such as PrintScreen Captures. (See Demo - Requires Flash)
    • Control Clipboards only by using Ctrl+x,Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v.
    • Can have as much simultaneous clipboards as possible. (Depends on Disk Space).
    • Idiot-Proof! - Captures Clipboard entries from everywhere, whether it be an external program or PrintScreen Captures.
    • Configurable - You can change settings by editing Settings.ini
    See Clipjump
    See more of my Scripts

    ClipJump's Image Preview Capability

    Loading Movie can take some time
    Download ClipJump

    You do not have the latest version of Flash installed. Please visit this link to download it:

    Saturday, March 16, 2013

    Extreme Clipper v1

    Extreme Clipper

    Version 1

    See Latest Version 2

    Extreme Clipper helps you to take screenshots of windows in a flash. It's an ideal tool for one who is in always need of Screenshots and Selective clippings. Made in AutoHotkey, it can capture screen clippings according to your needs!!
    Just press the old button PrintScreen (without Shift) and then drag mouse while holding Left mouse button to select the area you want to clip.

    Also, it has a feature to automatically open the screenshot directory after each screen capture.
    Another handy feature is the resizer which helps you to resize captured clips on the go..Very useful if you need to limit the size of Screenshots.

    When in game , better turn Run after finish and resize clip feature off.( See Settings.ini for exe version )
    Overall, it is a basic clipper to satisfy all your needs.Hope you like it!!

    See the Script at GitHub
    Download .exe
    See more of my Scripts and Creations.

    Thursday, March 7, 2013

    Avis Sublime 4 AutoHotkey v 1

    Avis Sublime 4 Autohotkey

    Version 1

    See latest version 2

    If you use Sublime-Text and Autohotkey,I bet this is going to be a bright day for you..You may have used the dafault Syntax-Highlight and Autocomplete provided by Sublime-Text..But is that upto the mark???..
    and what if you want to see the help of the code you are writing, OR create a new script-fast just to remove some doubts...OR open Windows Spy to get Active Window's Class..

    If you are facing these above problems,you are in the right place..

    I have created a Sublime 4 Autohotkey (like Scite 4 Autohotkey).This may be not look at the first glance as a AutoHotkey-Specialist Editor as I have not changed any of the Menus OR Plugins of Sublime-Text..


    Cuz Sublime-Text has all its Menus and Plugins made in 'Python', something i recon is a sort of Snake and nothing more.So, Sublime 4 AutoHotkey may not look at first sight as a Autohotkey-Specialist but believe me all the scripts(some are compiled) included in it work in such perfect blend that you will never miss a trick and feel like you are carrying some sort of an AutoHotkey Editor..

    The Features

    • Crucial changes in Syntax Highlighting-JSON to increase - Return (the most used Ahk Command) has its own seperate colour. Same is for labels (the second-most used command)
    • Added more Commands in Auto-Complete. (Now Autocomplete is truly complete)
    • Launch Help of the command by pressing F1 or other key of your choice..
      No Bugs: The Help Feature will never ever betray you..Press cursor anywhere on the line,you are always getting the Right Help.
    • A very attractive and No-Focus-On-Comments based theme to make sure your eyes focus on the commands and codes and not the 'in between' comments.
    • Launch Windows Spy,Smart Gui and Msgbox Creator with key combos.
      In the above feature you can add more tools and customize shortcuts if you wish.
    • Create New Script on the fly with the old familiar shortcut - Ctrl+N
      The feature can be very useful if you want to quick-create test scripts for testing certain codes.
    • Although it is based on Ahk more than Sublime-Text's JSON commands,you will feel you are using you are using a full-fledged AHK Editor. For Example --> Run Sublime 4 AutoHotkey.exe to start Sublime-Text with all the required Scripts.
    • Add to Registry Option to add a Right-Click entry to edit current selected script with Sublime 4 AutoHotkey.This can be an extremely useful facilty.
    • NEW BUILD FACILTY --- When in the Editor,Hit Ctrl+B to run the script,Alt + B to stop it..Also the editor will notify you the errors in your script if present.
    • Hit F9 (Default) to see Syntax of the current-undercursor command.
    • Check for Updates feature to let you know when I have created something better than this.

    • At Last,it's fully Automatic.Just copy and Paste the below available Package in Sublime-Text's Folder,Follow the Short Installation Guide in the Package and Done!!All DONE!! You will be ready to carry Sublime 4 AutoHotkey (If you have a Portable version of Sublime-Text) anywhere you go and edit scripts on the fly.

    See latest version 2

    Get the Autohotkey package for ST at Github - Oftenly Updated

    Download recommended Sublime version (v 2.0.1)
    If the above link doesn't work,go to here and Download zip/portable version.

    See Installation Guide on Web (Go)

    Download the Sublime 4 AutoHotkey Package

    Wednesday, February 27, 2013

    Counter Strike Bot Editor version 1 Released

    Avis Bot Creator for Counter Strike v 1

    A GUI Bot AI Editor for Counter Strike.


  • Suitable for both CZ Aand 1.6
  • Completely what you see is what you get..
  • No computing Skills required..
  • Easy to Use!!
  • Add custom traits to bots in no time>
  • Developer notes facility to exchange important notes with all the other people who use your bot profile(Requires ABC)
  • Fast Mission Pack helper to copy bot names to your mission packs faster (See Tab --> Extras in ABC)
  • Check for Updates feature to automatically check for updates!
  • Mission Correct facility to correct names of renamed bots in your Mission Packs.

  • Get the Download at GameBanana

    View the Tutorial (Highly Recommended.)